Ershad for slapping a sanction on Myanmar

Publish | 09 Sep 2017, 18:36

Online Desk

Jatiya Party Chairman HM Ershad today voiced support for imposing a sanction on Myanmar, condemning the country’s violence against the Rohingya community.

“I express detest Myanmar’s activities and protest it strongly,” the former military ruler said in a statement issued over the Rohingya issue this afternoon.

“I hope Myanmar will take back its Rohingya population. Otherwise the world will have to take a harsh stand and impose a sanction on Myanmar,” Ershad said.

The JP Chief also appealed to the UN and the global community to extend a helping hand to Bangladesh, which is already reeling from food crisis following a devastating flood this year.

Also, Ershad urged the government to stand beside the Rohingya refugees and provide them with shelter and all sorts of humanitarian aids.

Source: thedailystar