UNSC’s strong steps urged to solve Rohingya crisis

Publish | 01 Nov 2017, 14:00

Online Desk

Bangladesh urged the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to take very strong and bold steps to resolve Rohingya  crisis.

“The UN and UNSC are the last hope of the distressed Rohingya children. The UNSC has to continue its efforts until the return of all Rohingya children, who fled persecution in Myanmar to Bangladesh, with proper security and dignity,” said Golam Faruk Prince, MP.

Golam Faruk, the member of parliamentary standing committee on Foreign Ministry, on Tuesday made the statement while addressing an open discussion on Children and Armed Conflict at UN Security Council, according to a press release received here on Wednesday from Permanent Mission of Bangladesh to the United Nations.

The Pabna-4 constituency MP also mentioned the speech of Rohingya children recorded by the High Commissioner’s office of UN Human Rights.

Of those, a 12-year old girl from Rathedaung township narrated how “the [Myanmar security forces and Rakhine Buddhist individuals] surrounded our house and started to shoot. It was a situation of panic – they shot my sister in front of me, she was only seven years old. She cried and told me to run. I buried her myself.”

Mentioning children were the worst sufferers in the Myanmar crisis, the JS body member said a total of 607,000 forcibly displaced Rohingya people took shelter in Bangladesh since August 25 so far. Of them, sixty percent are children who have been suffering from acute malnutrition.

Addressing the open discussion at UNSC, he also placed data of providing emergency services, including nutrition, vaccination for different diseases, mental health services and education, to the distressed Rohingya children by the Bangladesh government.

At the programme chaired by France delegation, he also reiterated Bangladesh’s pledge to save children across the country from any conflict.

Source: unb