I want to move taking all with me: PM

Publish | 25 Jan 2018, 13:04

Online Desk

Prime Minister and Leader of the House Sheikh Hasina yesterday thanked the people for their wholehearted support to run the country, saying that she always tries to move taking all with her.

"I don't want to move alone ... I always try to advance taking all with me and I'm doing so," she said while replying to a supplementary raised by Jatiya Party lawmaker Fakhrul Imam during her question answer session.

Sheikh Hasina added: "I thank the countrymen as I'm getting all kinds of cooperation from them ... we have been able to develop Bangladesh as we're getting support from them."

The Leader of the House described the achievements of the country as the fruits of the united efforts of all.

She, however, said somebody has to hold the steering like a driver of a car. "One person stays in the driving seat and he or she can reach destination if he or she drives well ... if he or she cannot do it, there is a chance of accident," she said.

The premier said it's natural that none can alone govern the country. "Somebody has to move with taking initiatives and responsibilities ... I always try to move taking all with me and I'll advance taking all with me."

Referring to a popular Tagore song -- Jadi tor dak shune keu na ase, tobe ekla cholo re, Sheikh Hasina said the Nobel laureate poet said it repeatedly.

"But I don't want to move alone, I want to advance taking all with me," she said.

Thanking the opposition in parliament for delivering constructive speech and showing constructive behaviour, the Leader of the House said they're making constructive discussions with democratic attitude and extending cooperation in all fields.

"We had to hear vulgar and indecent remarks when the BNP-Jamaat was in opposition. But we don't now listen to such comments."

The premier said the rural and grassroots people are now getting the fruits of development and its the aim of the government.

Sheikh Hasina reiterated her determination to build a developed and prosperous Bangladesh free from hunger and poverty. "We want to present a happy and prosperous Bangladesh and a society by fulfilling the fundamental rights of the people," she said.

The prime minister said her government wants to reach the touch of macroeconomic development to all. "We want that the grassroots people get the touch of macroeconomic advancement and we're working to achieve the goal," she said.

Sheikh Hasina also elaborated her government's success in increasing GDP growth rate, per capita income, savings and investment, revenue, budget size and management, foreign trade, forex reserve, power generation, industrial development, agriculture production and poverty alleviation as well as international evaluation on economic success.

Source: bss