President, Prime Minister for swift passport services

Publish | 03 Feb 2018, 12:27

Online Desk

President Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina have urged the officials of Immigration and Passport Department to deliver services more quickly to the people.

In separate messages on the eve of Passport Service Week-2018, they wished success of all programmes marking the week with the theme "Passport is a Citizen's Right: Selfless services should be promised", reports BSS.

The President, in his message, said passport is an important identity card of a citizen.

He appreciated introduction of machine-readable passports in the country and said the demand for passport is increasing gradually with the rise in the number of people going abroad in the current age of globalization.

The President said the officials of department of immigration and passport will have to continue working with honesty, devotion and sincerity to fulfill people's expectations.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, in her message, recalled that the greatest Bangalee of all time, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, had turned the directorate of passport into a department in 1973 and took various steps to make the department more dynamic.

She said, till now, the department has issued approximately two crore of machine readable passports and six lakh machine readable visas.

The government has also taken steps to introduce e-passport based on ultramodern technology soon, she added.

She thanked the Department of Immigration and Passports for completing registration of approximately 10 lakh Rohingyas, who infiltrated into Bangladesh from neighboring Myanmar.

They greeted all officers and employees of the department of immigration and passport marking the week.

Source: bss