OIC-CFM moves to ensure justice to Rohingyas

Publish | 07 May 2018, 13:28

Online Desk

The two-day 45th OIC Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) concluded in Dhaka on Sunday adopting a resolution to form an “Ad hoc Ministerial Committee on Accountability” to mobilise international support to ensure justice for atrocities on Rohingyas.  

As per the resolution, the Ministerial Committee will work in collaboration with international players such as relevant UN bodies.

The resolution was adopted following a proposal placed by Gambia and supported by Bangladesh at the special session on ‘Humanitarian Challenges of the OIC countries including those relating to the Rohingyas’.

Bangladesh Foreign Minister AH Mamood Ali announced the resolutions adopted as ‘Dhaka Declaration’ at a press briefing at the end of the concluding session.

OIC secretary general Dr Yousef bin Ahmad Al-Othaimeen also addressed the press briefing and thanked Bangladesh for hosting the OIC foreign ministers’ council.

Mahmood Ali informed that about 600 delegates took part in the conference from 58 countries, including 53 member states, three observer states, and two guest states.

Of them, the number of minister-level delegation was 22 while state and deputy minister- level delegation 13, foreign secretary six, ambassador or director general level delegation 16.

Fifty-two representatives from different international organisations also took part in the conference.

Mahmood Ali said, “This was a landmark event in our fast growing engagement with the international community and yet another example of Bangladesh’s ability to successfully host an important international conference on a large scale of this nature.”

The conference was inaugurated by Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina while Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey, the Canadian Foreign Minister and the Foreign Minister of Cote d’Ivoire were present at the opening ceremony.

The conference decided to hold the 46th CFM in United Arab Emirates.

More than 120 resolutions were adopted on issues related to political, economic, social and cultural aspects of OIC member countries.

The special committee of the senior officials met in the afternoon and successfully negotiated and discussed more than 20 resolutions and issues on Rohingyas, cause of Palestine, the situation in Syria, reform of the OIC, women empowerment and development of youths.

On the sidelines of the CFM, over 40 bilateral meetings were held among the heads of delegations, OIC secretary general and heads of different organisations.

As per the Dhaka Declaration, the foreign ministers urged the OIC Secretary-General to continue reform efforts to transform, strengthen and reposition the organisation as a more effective and efficient one in order to reinforce the unity of the Ummah, ensure durable peace and security and accelerate sustainable socio-economic development in the member states.

They expressed deep concern over the recent systematic brutal acts perpetrated by security forces against the Rohingya Muslim community in Myanmar that has reached the level of ethnic cleansing, which constitute a serious and blatant violation of international law, and which has affected over 370,000 Rohingyas who have been forcibly displaced to Bangladesh and other countries across the region, in addition to the burning of their houses and places of worship.

The foreign minister lauded the personal leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in addressing the plight of the most persecuted people in the world and sought strong international support to resolve the crisis and full implementation of the recommendations put forward by the Advisory Commission on Rakhine Stat.

They also reaffirmed their full solidarity with Bangladesh in the face of the huge Rohingya influx with its humanitarian and security consequences for the country and with the Rohingyas, victims of the state-sponsored violence in Myanmar.

The foreign ministers emphasised the centrality of the cause of Palestine and Al-Quds Al-Sharif for the Ummah and reaffirmed their principled support for the right of the Palestinian people to regain their inalienable rights, including the right to self-determination, and to the independence and sovereignty of the State of Palestine on the pre-1967 borders with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital, as well as the right of the Palestinian refugees to return to their homes in accordance with international law and UN General Assembly Resolution 194(III).

They also underlined the importance of the OIC-UN cooperation in terms of achieving shared interests and common goals and further underscored their support for an enhanced observer status of the OIC in the UN.

The Dhaka Declaration expressed deep appreciation to the people and the government of Bangladesh for a warm hospitality and excellent arrangements which ensured the success of the 45th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers.

Source: dailysun