President for taking lesson from sacrifice of Eid-ul-Azha

Publish | 22 Aug 2018, 16:28

Online Desk

President M Abdul Hamid today stressed the need for taking lesson from the sacrifice to build a hunger and poverty-free “Sonar Bangla” as he hosted a reception on the occasion of holy Eid-ul-Azha at Bangabhaban here this morning.

“Qurbani (sacrifice) teaches people how to do sacrifice alongside to have patience. . . We have to take lesson from the Eid-ul-Azha,” the second biggest religious festival of the Muslims, he said.

President Hamid hosted the reception for the people of all classes and professions, including distinguished people, senior politicians, higher- ranking government officials, foreign diplomats, religious personalities, academics, editors, senior journalists and representatives of the business community.

Terming the sacrifice of Hazrat Ibrahim (A) as an instance of profound loyalty and utmost surrender to the Almighty Allah, he said the Eid-ul-Azha teaches all to sacrifice and everyone should exercise tolerance in their respective works and thoughts to establish peace and welfare in society.

“Religions’ fundamental message is the humanity, which dictates the mankind. It shows people the path of just and welfare,” the President said.

President Hamid expressed his hope that the Qurbani and its sacrificial attitude would be reflected in individual, social and political life.

The head of the state also called upon all to shun the evil and ominous paths being imbued with the spirit of mankind.

“An equality-based happy, prosperous and peaceful society system can be built by ensuring mutual respects and utmost tolerance among all,” Abdul Hamid observed.

The President hoped for spreading the equity and friendship ties of all strata of life in days to come.

Chief Justice Syed Mahmud Hossain, Foreign Minister AHM Mahmood Ali, Adviser to the Prime Minister HT Imam, ICT Minister Mostafa Jabbar, Senior lawyer Dr Kamal Hossain, Supreme Court Judges, chiefs of three services, Inspector General of Police (IGP), parliament members and vice-chancellors of universities and heads of different International agencies attended the reception, among others.

The President also exchanged views with the guests and enquired about their wellbeing going round different corners at the Darbar Hall of the Presidential Palace where the invited guests were entertained with delicious and traditional recipes.

Source: bss