Suhrawardy’s 55th death anniversary today

Publish | 05 Dec 2018, 16:10

Online Desk

The 55th death anniversary of the champion of democracy and one of the greatest leaders of undivided India Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy is being observed in the country today in a befitting manner.

The unparallel leader of all Indian politics, who had dedicated his entire life to ensure the welfare of the people by upholding democracy, died at a Beirut hotel in Lebanon on December 5 in 1963. He was alone in the hotel suite at the time of his death.

Suhrawardy was a Bengali politician and statesman in the first half of the 20th century. He served as the Premier of Bengal in British India and was the fifth Prime Minister of Pakistan.

President M Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina paid their rich tributes to the memory of Suhrawardy on the occasion of his death anniversary.

In separate messages, the President and the Prime Minister prayed for eternal peace of the departed soul of Suhrawardy, terming him ‘the champion of democracy’.

In his message, President Abdul Hamid said Suhrawardi’s life and works inspire the future generations in democratic thinking and welfare of the people.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, in her message, said Suhrawardi fought for establishing political rights and socio-economic development of the working people of the subcontinent throughout his life.

She also said that the country’s great independence was achieved under the leadership of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the greatest Bengali of all time and the successor of Suhrawardy.

To mark the day, different political and socio-cultural organisations, including ruling Awami League, have chalked out various programmes including placing wreaths at the grave of the great leader in the morning, discussion meetings, Qurankhwani, milad and doa mahfil in the capital and elsewhere across the country.

Awami League (AL) paid tribute to the late leader by placing wreaths on his grave adjacent to the High Court at 8 am today. Fateha and doa were offered there.

In a statement, AL General Secretary and Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader paid rich tribute to the late leader, saying that Suhrawardy had fought for establishing democracy throughout his life.

He urged the party leaders and workers and its associate bodies and other like-minded organisations to observe the death anniversary of Suhrawardy.

Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy was born in a respected Muslim family at Medinipur in West Bengal, India on September 8 in 1892.

Source: bss