Shifat murder: Husband gets 10 yrs imprisonment

Published : 27 Feb 2017, 16:51

Sahos Desk

Husband Asif Pisly has been convicted and sentenced to 10 years behind the bar on charge of killing his wife Wahida Shifat, a former student of Department of Mass Communication and Journalism of Rajshahi University.

Simultaneously, the court acquitted three other accused of the case as the murder charge brought against them couldn't be proved beyond doubt. They are: Shifat's father-in-law Advocate Hossain Ramjan, mother-in-law Nazmun Nahar Nazly and Dr Jubayer Rahman, who done first post mortem of the body.

Judge Sayeed Ahmed of the third Speedy Trial Tribunal in Dhaka pronounced verdict of the sensational murder case today, said the sources concerned here.

According to the prosecution story, in brief, is that housewife Wahida Shifat mysteriously died in her father-in-law's house at Mohisbathan under Rajpara Police Station in Rajshahi city on March 29, 2015. Instantly, the family members claimed Shifat committed suicide although several marks of wounds were found in her body.

In the second post mortem, it was proved that she had been killed.

Mijanur Rahman Khandaker, paternal uncle of the victim, lodged a case with Rajpara Police Station in this connection.

Upon completion of investigation, Investigating Officer Ahmmed Ali, Senior Assistant Commissioner of CID, pressed charged accusing four persons last year.

Source: BSS

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