Family friend indicted for Krishna Kaberi murder

Publish | 20 Apr 2017, 17:09

Online Desk


According to the charge sheet, a dispute over share market investment was the reason behind the murder

A Dhaka tribunal has framed charges against KM Jahirul Islam Palash in the murder of college teacher Krishna Kaberi Bishwas in 2015.

Judge Shahed Nuruddin of the Dhaka’s Speedy Trial Tribunal 1 indicted Palash after rejecting his discharge petition on Thursday.

Palash is the manager of a broker house named Hazi Ahmed Brothers Securities in Gulshan. According to the charge sheet, a dispute over share market investment was the reason behind the murder.

Krishna, 36, also the wife of BRTA Deputy Director Sitangshu Shekhar Bishwas, was a lecturer of social welfare at Mission International College in Mohammadpur.

Palash went to Sitangshu’s flat at Mohammadpur’s Iqbal Road on March 30, 2015 with flowers and gifts to offer him belated greetings for his birthday.

While chatting in the drawing room, Palash gave Sitangshu some juice that he had brought laced with sedatives. As Sitangshu fell unconscious, Palash hit his head with a hammer.

When Krishna rushed to the drawing room with a kitchen sickle, Palash snatched it away and struck her with it in the head. When their daughters Srabani Biswas Sruti, 14, and Arti Biswas, 8, went to rescue them, Palash hit the children with the hammer too.

Before leaving, Palash switched off the light in the drawing room and set the room on fire. He also threw Krishna into the fire.

Krishna died the following day when Sitangshu’s brother Sudhangshu Shekhar Biswas filed the murder case. Palash later surrendered before a Dhaka court and gave confessional statement in the case.

Detective Branch of police pressed charges against Palash on May 31 last year.

Source: dhakatribune