PM seeks help from expats in eliminating militancy

Publish | 30 May 2017, 15:53

Online Desk

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has urged the expatriate Bangladeshis to extend their all-out cooperation in keeping Bangladeshis away from the twin vices of militancy and terrorism.

"Making suicide attacks in the name of Islam and killing innocent people have become a fashion these days... I seek your all-out cooperation in keeping away the people of Bangladesh from this evil and sick process," she said.

The prime minister was speaking at a reception accorded to her by the Austrian chapter of Awami League at Grand Hotel in Vienna on Monday.

Noting that militancy, terrorism and drug addiction are now great problems, Sheikh Hasina said, "The drive against militancy, terrorism and drug abuse will continue as we've to save our country from these menaces."

She said Islam is a religion of peace, brotherhood and friendship. "Islam never said to kill innocent people."

The prime minister mentioned that no one will be able to be there in the heaven by killing innocent people. "The case is different in a battlefield, but killing people through suicide attacks is not permitted in our religion. Committing suicide itself is a great sin in our religion, no one can go to the heaven through committing suicide."

Seeking help from the expatriate Bangladeshis to check the menace, she said all the people of the country -- both at home and abroad -- have the responsibility in this regard."

Hasina mentioned that now militancy and terrorism are a great problem for the whole the world "This is not a problem for a single country, this is a global problem."

The prime minister mentioned that she has already created a massive mass awareness in the country by connecting the people of all walks of life through holding videoconferences and urging guardians, teachers, imams and other professionals to remain alert against militancy and terrorism.

Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali, Science and Technology Minister Architect Yeafesh Osman, President of All European AL Anil Das Gupta and UK AL President Sultan Mohammad Sharif also spoke at the function presided over by AL's Austria unit president Khandaker Hafizur Rahman.

The prime minister urged the expatriates to raise their voice against the negative activities and politics of BNP. "You've to place this before the foreigners on how they (BNP) killed people on various occasions through arson attacks."

During the 10th general election, she said, the BNP-Jamaat clique killed 135 innocent people and then again 231 people during the three-month long arson attacks in 2015.

"Those who killed people through arson attacks must face punishment, they killed people in a planned way...the trial of these people must be held," she said.

She urged the expatriate Bangladeshis to play a role in highlighting her government's various successes among the people in their localities in Bangladesh.

Awami League leaders from across Europe, including Austria, France, Germany, Italy, the UK, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Greece joined the reception.

Later, the prime minister also joined an iftar hosted in her honour by the Bangladesh Ambassador to Austria that was followed by dinner.

Source: thedailystar