SC releases full verdict on scrapping JS power to remove judges

Publish | 01 Aug 2017, 11:09

Online Desk

The Supreme Court today released the full verdict that scrapped the 16th amendment of the constitution, which had empowered the parliament to remove its judges for incapacity or misbehaviour.

The apex court released the 799-page text of the verdict after its six judges including Chief Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha signed it, said High Court's Additional Registrar Md Sabbir Faiz.

Justice Nazmun Ara Sultana, who was a member of the SC bench during hearing on the case, however did not sign the judgement as she retired on July 7, the additional registrar said.

He also said the text of the apex court’s full verdict will be uploaded on the SC website in a very short time.

On July 3, the SC upheld a HC verdict that declared illegal the 16th amendment of the constitution.

Through the verdict, the Jatiya Sangsad lost the power to remove SC judges for incapacity or misconduct as the government has finally lost the legal battle to defend the controversial 16th constitutional amendment that restored this authority of parliament.

Following a writ petition filed by nine SC lawyers, the HC on May 5 last year declared the amendment illegal. The government appealed against the verdict on January 4.

Source: thedailystar