‘Culture of impunity behind rise of rape’

Publish | 01 Aug 2017, 14:17

Online Desk

In follow-up of the agitation over rape of a college student in Bogra, a group of left-leaning organisations today alleged that such incidents are rising in Bangladesh due to a prevailing culture of impunity.

“Incidents of rape are rising alarmingly as there is a culture of impunity in the country,” said Saiful Islam Paltu, convener of district unit Communist Party of Bangladesh.

“There are hundreds of Tufan Sarkars in the country. They should be given stern punishment to stop the rising trend of women and child repression, said Sikta Kajol, a participant of the rally.

Gonotantrik Bam Morcha, Bangladesh Nari Mukti Kendra, Samajtantrik Chhatra Front (SCF) and Bangladesh Samajtantrik Dal (BSD) took part in the rally organised at Saatmatha in Bogra town.

The district is brewing with anger and detest over the latest incident of rape, where Tufan Sarkar shaved the girl and her mother after committing the crime.

So far, 11 people including Tufan have been arrested in a case filed in this connection. The district Sramik League has suspended Tufan from the organisation amid public outcry.

Nearly all the arrestees are now or have been remanded in police custody.

Now, protesters have brought forward demands of trial under speedy trial act. 

Source: thedailystar