50hrs post surgery: Twins Tofa, Tahura doing fine

Publish | 03 Aug 2017, 16:03

Online Desk

Conjoined twins Tofa and Tahura who were separated in the first such surgery of the country, are doing well and out of danger after the crucial 50-hours of the operation.

The twins are free of the risks that develop after surgery, said Shahnoor Islam, associate professor of paediatrics surgery at Dhaka Medical College Hospital.

“The infants had breast milk yesterday and are now eating regular baby food such as semolina and softened rice pudding,” Shahnoor said.

While talking to The Daily Star, twins’ mother Shahida Begum said, “I stay here at the post-operative most of the time. They were given breast milk yesterday as well as today and are now eating regular baby food and their pain has also somewhat subsided,” Shahida said.

Their five-year old brother Shahadat also visited the babies today and wanted to hold them. “He is happy that he can now carry them as they are now 5-kg each,” Shahida said.

A 24-member team of doctors, aided by several nurses and support staffers, operated on the twins at DMCH on August 1.

Conjoined twins are identical twins joined in the mother's womb. It is an extremely rare phenomenon. Two babies joined at the pelvis are even rarer. Doctors say such cases are called pygopagus conjoined twins.

The 10-month-old babies, each weighing 5kg, were joined from the back to below their waist. 

Source: thedailystar