Kalsindur girls get bicycles

Publish | 05 Aug 2017, 11:15

Online Desk

Twenty eight girls of Kalsindur School and College in Mymensingh's Dhobaura upazila will not walk for hours through remote villages to attend classes anymore.

For taking part in the filming of a football match by a channel i crew recently, the girls asked for bikes.

To their surprise, Shykh Seraj, head of news at the private TV, handed them the bikes.

The girls' football team of the school won a football tournament in the district last summer. The team will participate in the Mymensingh Division Football Championship next year.

Yesmin Akhtar, a 10th grader, said she had always craved for a bike as she had to walk almost six kilometres on her way to and from school every day. Her peasant father could not afford to provide for her transport expenditures.

“This is my dream come true,” said the girl of Gamaritola village in the upazila.

Halima Akhtar, another 10th grader said the bikes would boost the girls' enthusiasm for studies.

Rafiqul Hasan, brand manager of Pran-RFL Group, said people who have the means should do something for women in rural areas. 

Source: thedailystar