
Depression color

Publish | 04 Aug 2017, 16:15

M.m. Asadullah

Sometimes it seems very different to myself
The wings are broken one,
The drowned river of winter !!

Sometimes I feel very lonely
Running into an eternal space, one of the asteroids,
Losing rhythm, foursquare !!

Occasionally the world feels very uneasy
Grunted flowers, roots are broken trees
False than that!

Occasionally life seems to be blue
Cooler than the imagination, depressed,
Curious than death!

There is also the color of depression;
Leave it in a while, oh, sharp spots
Tiller one, after the soft polarity!

On the road to the twilight is one of the lost youth
Dance-lyrics, Achin Tune
After the ostriches!

She is life without love, without touching her life
Auspicious, joyous!