Rain breathes relief amid growing heat

Publish | 26 Feb 2018, 12:24

Online Desk

Squally winds accompanied with light rain that swept through some parts of the country has brought the heat down, which was creeping up to sweltering levels.

For the past few days, dust along with a summer-like heat were prevailing throughout most parts before the weather balanced itself out in the wee hours before dawn today.

Abdur Rahman, a Met officer, said: “This rain was influenced by a norwester. The seasons of the norwester is beginning and we will likely see more of it in the coming days.”

He said, the norwester wind is blowing into Bangladesh from the northern regions.

According to Bangladesh Meteorological Department, Dhaka experienced 4mm rain during the early dawn hours, which cooled down the busy city from what was 33.3 degrees Celsius yesterday.

It rained most in Tangail, where 30mm rain was recorded.

Weather forecast for the next 24 hours say, rain or thunder showers accompanied by temporary gusty or squally wind is likely to occur at a few places over Rajshahi, Mymensingh & Sylhet divisions and at one or two places over Rangpur, Khulna and Dhaka divisions and the regions of Comilla, Noakhali & Rangamati with hails at isolated places.

Source: thedailystar