Spinach peas in rich tomato gravy

Publish | 25 Nov 2017, 17:33

Online Desk

Let's cook nutritious and tasty dish Spinach Peas in Rich Tomato Gravy.

Cooking is like love if you are passionate about it. It is the weekend again and the smell of rich-saucy spinach peas will wake your taste buds up. It has the power to bring everyone at your home together in the dining area. This recipe is simple, tasty and nutritious. It will give you a flavour of the true Indian lifestyle through traditional cooking.

Serves: 4

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 30 minutes


Spinach                ½ kg

Onion                    1 (medium, finely chopped)

Peas                       1/3 cup (boiled)

Tomatoes              3 (large, pureed)

Green chillies        2 (finely chopped)

Ginger                     1” piece (grated)

Garlic                       4 flakes (crushed)

Green cardamom   2 (powdered)

Cloves                      2 (powdered)

Sugar                        a pinch

Pure ghee                 1 tbsp

Fresh cream              2tbsp

Garam masala        ½ tsp

Red chilli powder    ½ tsp

Salt                             to taste


Pressure cook spinach with onion, green chillies and half cup water. Give a whistle and keep on low flame for five minutes. Remove from flame and let it cool.

Blend in food processor.

Heat pure ghee in a pan. Add cardamom and cloves powder together.

Add garlic and ginger paste and saute till it changes its colour.

Add tomato puree. Cook on low flame for five minutes.

Add salt, red chilli powder and garam masala.

Add spinach and pinch of sugar. Cover and cook on low flame for fifteen minutes.

Add boiled peas and give a good stir.

Add fresh cream and mix well.

Serve hot with chapatti or paratha.

Spend time with your family and friends this weekend but don’t miss the pleasure of cooking and eating together this amazing dish.