Recipe: Egg Sandwich

Publish | 04 Jan 2018, 17:05

Online Desk

Take a look how to make Egg Sandwich


4 - bread rolls
Butter - 1 tbsp
3 - hard boiled Egg
1/4 cup - chopped Coriander leaves
1/2 cup - cooked Meat pieces (approx 1/4 inch cubes)
1/2 cup - mayonnaise
1/2 tsp - black pepper powder
Salt as per taste
1/4 cup - chopped Capsicum
2 - green chillies, chopped finely
1/4 cup - grated cheese
1 - onion, sliced thinly

How to Make Egg Sandwich

Mix cheese and mayonnaise well
Chop the eggs coarsely
Mix it with meat pieces, pepper powder and salt
Add capsicum, chilli and coriander leaves
Add cheese-mayonnaise mixture. Mix it well
Halve the rolls and butter both sides
Top 4 halves with egg mixture.
Layer it with onion slices.
Cover with remaining halves.
Bake it at 400 F for 10-15 minutes (till cheese melts).
Serve with raw vegetable slices or lettuce leaves.