Black sesame oil for gorgeous hair and skin!

Publish | 22 Feb 2019, 18:31

Online Desk

While white sesame seeds are quite popular in Indian cooking during winters, not a lot of people are very familiar with black sesame seeds.

The unique-looking seeds have a distinctive flavour, which adds a delicious aroma to any food that they are added to. Black sesame seeds are used in a number of Indian preparations, including curries, dalsand even savoury snacks like samosas, kachoris etc.

They are also added to some Indian flat-breads and parathas to add flavour and taste. Black sesame seeds are incredibly healthful as well and it is used and consumed for medicinal purposes as well. These flavourful black seeds are packed with antioxidants, and hence, have a number of beauty benefits as well.

Black sesame oil can be applied topically on your facial skin and hair and can also be consumed to fight a number of ailments. The oil is known to have cholesterol-fighting abilities and it may also help in regulating blood sugar and inducing weight loss. But it is very popular among Indians for combating a number of beauty problems as well. Here are some beauty benefits of using black sesame oil that you must know about.

1. Anti-Bacterial In Nature
The oil is anti-bacterial in nature and when applied on the skin may prevent acne by fighting off skin infections. A diluted solution of nigella sativa oil may be applied on the skin to reduce acne growth.

2. Packed With Antioxidants
The oil is said to neutralise free radicals in the body, which may improve the quality of your skin and hair. It therefore, effective in fighting inflammation, leaving the skin feeling young and healthy.

3. Fights Hair Fall
This oil is used to fight hair fall and even to induce hair re-growth, due to the presence of Nigellone and Thymoquinone in it. The latter is known to be an inflammation-fighting compound. It also nourishes the hair follicles and prevents the hair from falling off. The application of this oil is said to be a safe and natural way to re-grow hair, without medication.

4. Improve Hair And Scalp Health
Regular application of sativa oil may significantly improve scalp health by combating dandruff and scalp irritation. It is also known to prevent and even reverse graying of hair by preserving pigmentation in hair follicles.

5. Fights Skin Infections
Common skin infections, particularly psoriasis and eczema, can be resolved by applying the oil on your skin. This is because the oil has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and may also soothe irritation on the skin, leaving it soft and moisturised.

You can mix in this oil with a number of other natural beauty ingredients like coconut oil, honey, olive oil etc. and apply it on your skin and hair, in order to fight common beauty problems.