Enjoy monsoon with the right food steps!

Publish | 27 Jul 2017, 17:35

Online Desk

Take care to stay healthy and enjoy the wonderful food and beautiful weather.

Street food on a rainy day can make happy memories to cherish. When it rains, one can't resist a hot cup of tea and the most popular rainy day snack - pakoras. But venturing out during the monsoon can bring you down with fever and other ailments. One must consume food that can strengthen the immune system to avoid falling sick.

"We all love monsoons ... but in all the fun, we forget the susceptibilities of infections and diseases. So if you don’t want to spend the rest of this beautiful season feeling sick, take precautionary steps to fortify you immune system," health and wellness expert  advises.

Here are five foods that can bolster your immunity and keep you healthy, according to the expert.

Green neem leaves: Kill the stomach bugs during this season with neem leaves. Known to contain cooling properties, neem capsules are anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and have blood purifying properties. Neem doesn’t only help increase the body’s resistance against infections but also strengthens one’s immune and digestive system.

Multifloral honey: Honey is proven to have a soothing affect on sore throat. Grate half a ginger, add a spoonful of multifloral honey and drink the solution to cure yourself from a sore throat. A great substitute for sugar, honey is a natural sweetener which is fat-free, cholesterol- free and sodium-free. Multifloral honey also helps in strengthening your immunity.

Warm green tea: This super drink is packed with anti-oxidants and is known to strengthen immune system and improve memory. It comes packed with nutrients and minerals that help in increasing detoxification in your body, leaving you with improved digestion and a clear skin. Along with this alluring aroma and pleasant taste, your body is bound to stay hydrated and fresh during monsoons.

Aloe Vera capsules: Pop aloe vera capsules to maintain overall health. Aloe Vera contains more than 20 amino acids and vital minerals such as calcium, magnesium, sodium along with enzymes, vitamins, polysaccharides, nitrogen and other essential nutrients to meet your daily requirements. It keeps your hair lustrous and maintains skin health. It also aids in digestion and treats constipation and acidity.