Sessions vows Clinton probe on emails

Publish | 16 Nov 2017, 12:48

Online Desk

US Attorney General Jeff Sessions told Congress Tuesday that the Justice Department could soon appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton, a move repeatedly called for by President Donald Trump.

Sessions' comments indicated that Republicans were seeking to mount a counter-offensive to the probe into Russian election meddling and whether or not Trump's campaign colluded with Moscow to sway the 2016 contest.

Democrats lashed back that Sessions risked politicizing the Justice Department in reviving the probe into Clinton's use of a personal email server as secretary of state a case it decided last year not to prosecute in a bid to divert attention from the Russia probe.

In testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, Sessions insisted the decision whether to investigate Trump's former rival for the presidency was not political.

"We intend to do our work according to the established principals of the Department of Justice. We will not be infected by politics or bias," he told the committee.

Late Monday the department sent political shockwaves across Washington when it revealed it was reviewing the FBI's handling last year of the probe into the Democrat Clinton's use of a personal server for official and in some cases classified emails, in breach of government rules.

Source: AFP