UN committee urges Myanmar to give citizenship to Rohingyas

Publish | 17 Nov 2017, 11:14

Online Desk

A key U.N. committee has overwhelmingly approved a resolution calling on Myanmar's authorities to end military operations against Rohingya Muslims, ensure their voluntary return from Bangladesh and grant them "full citizenship rights."

The General Assembly's human rights committee approved the resolution sponsored by the 57-nation Organization of Islamic Cooperation by a vote of 135-10 with 26 abstentions on Thursday.

Those voting "no" included Myanmar's close neighbor, China, as well as Russia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Laos.

The resolution now goes to the 193-member General Assembly for a final vote in December where its approval is virtually certain.

Saudi Arabia's U.N. Ambassador Abdallah Al-Mouallimi spoke on behalf of the OIC and said "another inhumane scene" of religious hatred is unfolding in Myanmar, forcing nearly 620,000 Rohingya Muslims to flee to Bangladesh.

The UN urged the Myanmar government to grant full citizenship rights, in keeping with a transparent due process, to Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine State, including by reviewing the 1982 Citizenship Law and to ensure full protection of the human rights and fundamental freedoms of Rohingyas and other ethnic and religious minorities in an equal and dignified manner in order to prevent further instability and insecurity, alleviate suffering, address the root causes of the situation and forge a viable, lasting and durable solution, According to a draft resolution on situation of human rights in Myanmar shared by Permanent Mission of Bangladesh to the United Nations on Friday.

The UN also encouraged the international community for assisting Bangladesh in providing humanitarian assistance to the Rohingya refugees and forcibly displaced persons, the draft resolution added. 

The United Nations encouraged further cooperation between Myanmar and Bangladesh to address all relevant aspects of the crisis, including the expedited, safe and voluntary return of refugees, as well as full cooperation with the United Nations and its funds, programmes and agencies.

Source: AP