Russia 'saved Syria as a state'

Says Putin as he meets Assad ahead of talks with Turkey and Iran

Publish | 22 Nov 2017, 13:39

Online Desk

President Vladimir Putin said the Russian army had "saved Syria as a state" after meeting with leader Bashar al-Assad in Russia, as Syrian regime forces take an upper hand over rebels and the Islamic State group.

Monday's talks came during an unannounced "working visit" by Assad to the Black Sea resort of Sochi, ahead of a summit between Putin and the leaders of Turkey and Iran on Wednesday aimed at re-booting the Syrian peace process.

"As for our joint work in the fight against terrorism in Syria, this military operation is coming to an end," Putin said, according to a transcript published on the Kremlin's website.

The Russian leader praised Assad and predicted terrorism would suffer an "inevitable" defeat in the country.

"Thanks to the Russian army, Syria has been saved as a state. Much has been done to stabilise the situation in Syria," the transcript said.

"It is in our interest to advance the political process... we don't want to look back and we are ready for dialogue with all those who want to come up with a political settlement," Assad said in translated comments.

Putin said he would consult world leaders on his talks with Assad, including with US president Donald Trump in a telephone call expected on Tuesday.

Putin will Wednesday host Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Iran's Hassan Rouhani for the first in a series of summits on the peace process, ahead of parallel UN-led talks in Geneva set for November 28.

The meeting -- the first such three-way summit between the trio -- comes as Ankara, Moscow and Tehran cooperate with increasing intensity on ending the over six-year civil war in Syria that has left 330,000 dead and millions homeless.

"Assad's visit...shows that there was a need to relay the Syrian leadership's position on a future settlement to the Kremlin, and that (Assad) was interested in the forthcoming summit with the presidents of Iran and Turkey," said Russian political analyst Azhdar Kurtov.

"It is unlikely this was just another demonstration of the Kremlin's political loyalty to Assad," he told AFP.

"The open-war phase in the Syria conflict will soon be over and the question of a political solution will become more pressing than before."

Source: AFP