Trump, Xi hope for change in North Korea behaviour, says White House

Publish | 17 Jan 2018, 14:27

Online Desk

US President Donald Trump and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping on Tuesday hoped that the recent resumption of talks between North Korea and South Korea might prompt a change in Pyongyang’s destructive behaviour, the White House has said.

The two leaders spoke over phone to discuss recent developments on the Korean Peninsula.

“President Trump and President Xi acknowledged the resumption of inter-Korean dialogue and expressed hope that it might prompt a change in North Korea’s destructive behaviour,” the White House said in a readout of the call.

Trump is committed to sustain the United States-led global campaign of maximum pressure to compel North Korea to commit to denuclearisation.

“The two leaders also discussed trade issues, and President Trump expressed disappointment that the US’ trade deficit with China has continued to grow. President Trump made clear that the situation is not sustainable,” it said.
