10 policemen killed in Taliban attack on army outpost in Afghanistan

Published : 09 Mar 2018, 16:10

Sahos Desk

An Afghan official says the Taliban launched a deadly assault on an army outpost in a remote region of northern Takhar province, killing 10 local policemen and wounding nine.

Provincial police spokesman Khali Aseir said on Friday that a large number of Taliban fighters assaulted the outpost overnight.

He says the members of the local police were ambushed and killed while on their way to the outpost to assist the Afghan soldiers in the remote district of Khwaja Ghar.

The soldiers suffered no casualties.

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid claimed responsibility for the assault late Thursday and the police slayings. He claimed the Taliban had inflicted a far higher number of casualties but the insurgents often exaggerate their claims.

The report couldn’t be independently confirmed because of the area’s remoteness.

Source: AP

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