Trump-Putin summit: US leader cautious ahead of Helsinki talks

Publish | 16 Jul 2018, 18:17

Online Desk

US President Donald Trump will meet his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Monday, ending a tumultuous European tour in which he criticised his allies.

Mr Trump said he had "low expectations" ahead of the talks in the Finnish capital, Helsinki, but added that "maybe some good" would come of them.

The highly anticipated meeting comes after 12 Russians were charged with hacking in the 2016 US elections.

Mr Trump says he will raise the issue, but the summit has no formal agenda.

There have been calls in the US for Mr Trump to cancel the meeting altogether over the indictments, announced on Friday by US Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

Russia denies the allegations, and says it is looking forward to the talks as a vehicle for improving relations.

Source: BBC