Court orders de-sealing of hotel room where Sunanda died

Publish | 22 Jul 2017, 11:59

Online Desk

A court on Friday ordered the de-sealing of Room 345 of Hotel Leela Palace where former union minister Shashi Tharoor's wife Sunanda Pushkar was found dead in January 2014.

Metropolitan Magistrate Pankaj Sharma allowed the hotel's plea seeking de-sealing of the room within four weeks. The court asked the Investigating Officer in the case to file a compliance report by August 19.

It also asked the hotel to hand over the articles required by the investigating agency.

The hotel told the court that the room had remained locked since January 17, 2014.

"As the room has been locked for three years, termites, bugs and other pests have spoiled the whole room and even the adjoining areas," an hotel official said.

The hotel told the court they would allow detectives to take things from the room whatever they want as evidence.

The hotel said no investigating agency had visited it for the past one year and keeping the room closed for three years had caused great financial loss.

Source: ians