British MP Anne Main to visit Rohingya camps

Published : 18 Sep 2017, 17:02

Sahos Desk

British MP Anne Main, who is now leading a delegation to Bangladesh amid heightened concerns over the treatment of Rohingyas in Myanmar, will soon visit Rohingya camps to see their situation on the ground.

"The situation is critical,’ said the St Albans MP after a top United Nations spokesperson claimed that the treatment of the Rohingya in Burma was ‘a textbook example of ethnic cleansing’.

The delegation includes MPs and members of the Conservative Friends of Bangladesh (CFoB) who will visit camps along the Bangladesh border where over 4 lakh Rohingya Muslims have fled to since violence erupted late last month.

Anne said, "As chair of the APPG on Bangladesh, I have been monitoring the situation for some time.  We included visits to the camps in CFoB’s itinerary as a priority following concerns that were being expressed to me some months ago."

They will be visiting various parts of the country on a wider social action trip.  This will be CFoB’s fourth visit to Bangladesh. The group continues to grow and is a great charitable connection between the UK and Bangladesh.

The delegation will also visit local schools, medical facilities and community sports projects to see how British aid money is spent, as well as revisiting previous CFoB initiatives.

"I know the whole group is looking forward to visiting organisations there that rely heavily upon British aid.

These are some of the poorest people on the planet and it is important that we continue to help those who so desperately need it," she said.

The trip follows the announcement that the British government is to pledge £5 million in additional support for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh.

"The situation is critical, so I welcome the support of the British government," Main said.

The group has arranged to visit a refugee camp under the supervision of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) and the Bangladesh government, said a press release.

The generous donations made by supporters and members of the group have made this trip possible for their delegation at such a crucial time. "I am very grateful to them."

Source: dailysun

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