Prime Minister flies for Canada today to attend G7 outreach session

Published : 07 Jun 2018, 11:59

Sahos Desk

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will leave Dhaka today (Thursday) on a four-day visit to Canada to attend the outreach session of G7 Summit at the invitation of Canadian counterpart Justine Trudeau.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will leave Dhaka by an Emirates Flight today evening. She is scheduled to reach Toronto via Dubai, UAE in the morning on Friday.

Bangladesh Consul General in Toronto Nayeem Uddin Ahmed and Director of International Relation of Canada and Deputy Chief of Protocol Jonathan Sauve will receive the Prime Minister at Pearson International Airport.

After a two-hour stopover, Hasina will fly from Toronto to provincial city Quebec, venue of the session

Bangladesh High Commissioner in Canada Mizanur Rahman and Federal and Provincial Dignitaries of Canada will receive the Prime Minister at Jean Lesage International Airport upon her arrival in Quebec.

In the evening, Sheikh Hasina will also join a dinner to be hosted by Governor General of Canada in honour of heads of state and government taking part in the G7 Summit and outreach programme.

The Prime Minister will join G7 Outreach Leaders Programme at Le Manoir Richelieu Hotel on Saturday. She will hold a meeting with Justine Trudeau on Sunday morning at her place of residence Hotel Chateau Frontenac.

From Quebec, Sheikh Hasina will return to Toronto on Sunday and exchange views with expatriate Bangladeshis at hotel Metro in the evening.

On Monday, she will hold a meeting with Special Envoy of Canada on Myanmar Bob Rae at her hotel Ritz Carlton where she will be staying.

The premier will also hold a meeting with Deputy Premier of Saskatchewan and Minister for Trade and Export Development Gordon Wyant Q.C. and Minister of Immigration and career Training of Saskatchewan Jeremy Harrison and business leaders of Saskatchewan Province.

Before leaving Toronto the Prime Minister will hold a meeting with President and CEO of Commercial Corporation of Canada (CCC) Martin Zablocki at her hotel.

The Prime Minister will return home on Tuesday night via Dubai, UAE.

Sheikh Hasina will join the G7 Outreach Programme with 16 other world dignitaries beyond G7, platform of world’s economic power houses. The G7 is a group consisting of seven largest advanced economies in the world – Canada,France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

President of Argentina and chair of the G20 Mauricio Macri, President of Haiti and chair of the Caribbean Community Jovenel Moise, Prime Minister of Jamaica Andrew Holness, President of Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Marshall Islands Hilda Heine, Prime Minister of Norway Erna Solberg, President of Rwanda and chair of the African Union Paul Kagame, President of Senegal Macky Sall, President of Seychelles Danny Faure, President of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa, Prime minister of Vietnam Nguyen Xuân Phúc, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund Christine Lagarde, Secretary General of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development José Ángel Gurría, Secretary General of the United Nations Ant¢nio Guterres and Chief Executive Officer of the World Bank Kristalina Georgieva will join the event.

Source: bss

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