RMG workers demo in Savar against new wage

Published : 20 Dec 2018, 12:26

Sahos Desk

About a thousand factory workers were demonstrating in Savar since this morning protesting what they said was discrimination in their new wage board.

The workers began their demonstration on Hemayetpur Tannery road in Savar around 9:00am.

As additional police forces were deployed throughout the area, five factories including three of Standard Group were shut down to avert any untoward incident.

Sana Shaminur Rahman, superintendent of police of Dhaka Industrial Police said, “The negotiation with the factory owners is underway”.

When contacted with the authorities of the factories, security guards of those said they are not at liberty to talk with the reporters on the issue.

On September 13, the government raised the minimum monthly wage for 4.4 million garment workers by around 51 percent to Tk 8,000 from the existing Tk 5,300 with effect from December.

Source: thedailystar

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