PM's speech ‘suppression of truth’, says BNP

Published : 04 May 2017, 15:33

Sahos Desk

The BNP on Thursday (May 04) termed Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s speech delivered in the Parliament on Wednesday (May 03) as the ‘suppression of truth’.
In reaction to Sheikh Hasina's speech that the ‘democracy is being practiced in the country’, BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir strongly criticized the PM for the statement.  

“The PM’s statement is completely falsehood. It is nothing but suppression of truth. She cheated with the people by delivering such statement,” said the BNP spokesperson.

He said these while speaking at a joint meeting of the Dhaka city south and north units of the party held at BNP’s Nayapaltan central office.

Mirza Fakhrul termed the incumbent government as ‘corrupted’, alleging that thousands of crore taka were siphoned off aboard during this government.  

He accused the government of obstructing party meeting in different parts of the country.  

He said that the activists’ rally of BNP’s Dhaka city south unit will be held on May 07 at Mohanogar Natyamancha, while the rally of the north unit will be held on May 08 at Engineers Institution.

Source: banglanews24

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