BD, Turkey hold huge potentials to prosper together: BD envoy

Published : 03 Nov 2017, 14:25

Sahos Desk

Bangladesh Ambassador to Turkey M. Allama Siddiki said Bangladesh and Turkey hold immense potentials to grow and prosper together. 

He made the remarks while delivering a key note speech at a roundtable discussion on 'Bangladesh in the 21st Century: Reflections on Bangladesh-Turkey Relations' in Istanbul on Thursday, said a press release received here on Friday.

This event, organised by Bangladesh Consulate General in Istanbul in cooperation with the Marmara Group Foundation, assumed a special significance that it was held at a time when Rohingya issue has generated a great deal of interest among the Turkish people.

“Rohingya issue injected a new impetus to the existing bilateral cooperation, bringing us even closer,” M. Allama Siddiki said.

He admired the people and the leadership of Turkey for their moral, political and humanitarian support on the Rohingya issue. 

The program was attended by as many as 35 prominent academicians, think tanks, business elites and media personalities who are widely known as opinion builders in Turkish society. The participants included a couple of former cabinet Ministers of Turkey. 

In his keynote speech, Allama Siddiki briefed the audience about the political, societal, demographic and cultural strengths of Bangladesh.

Consul General Dr. Mohammad Monirul Islam made a presentation, explaining the growing importance and relevance of Bangladesh. 

Terming Bangladesh as an emerging strategic, economic and connecting hub not only for the region but also for the whole world, he described the fast-paced ongoing infrastructural developments in the Bay of Bengal as well as road, rail and energy connectivity among the countries of the region, with particular reference to BCIM-EC and BBIN.

He also cited the recognitions and achievements of Bangladesh in the international theatre in the areas of poverty alleviation, women empowerment, disaster management, climate change, digitization and innovation and migration.

Dr. Akkan Suver, Chairman of The Marmara Group Foundation , in his welcome remarks said that this type of event would certainly facilitate to reduce the gap of understanding between the people of Bangladesh and Turkey. 

Professor Dr. Mustafa Aydin, Rector of Kadir Has University, moderator of the roundtable, said the event is expected to enhance the level of understanding of Turkish people about Bangladesh, which would eventually contribute towards further deepening Bangladesh-Turkey bilateral relationship and raising profile and image of Bangladesh in Turkey.

Source: unb

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