Orbis flying eye hospital arrives in Chittagong

Published : 18 Nov 2017, 14:03

Sahos Desk

Orbis, an international flying eye hospital, has landed at Shah Amanat International Airport to provide eye care and training to physicians.

Chittagong Eye Infirmary and Training Complex and Orbis International at a press conference on Friday disclosed that the flying eye hospital landed at the airport on Thursday.

This is the 10th visit of Orbis in Bangladesh since 1985.

The hospital will provide training to 315 ophthalmologists, nurses, anesthesiologists, biomedical engineers and technicians through lectures, observation, hands-on training, workshops and symposiums.

Some 200 eye patients have been selected for test and some 120 will be operated.

The hospital jet will leave Bangladesh on December 5.

Orbis International is an international non-profit non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to saving sight worldwide. 

Its programs focus on the prevention of blindness and the treatment of blinding eye diseases in developing countries through hands-on training, public health education, advocacy and local partnerships.

Since 1982, Orbis capacity-building programs have enhanced the skills of 325,000 eye care personnel and provided medical and optical treatment to more than 23.3 million people in 92 countries.

Source: unb

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