EC will delay election on all-party call

Announcement of polls-schedule won’t be deferred: CEC

Published : 06 Nov 2018, 12:01

Sahos Desk

The upcoming general election can be delayed if all political parties want, Chief Election Commissioner KM Nurul Huda said today.

“But there is no scope to defer the announcement of polls schedule,” he told reporters at a programme at Dhaka’s Agargaon this morning.

This effectively means that the commission does not want to give more time for nomination process within individual parties and its submission.

The move comes at a time when major political parties are engaging in dialogues to end the impasse over the holding of parliamentary election.

Also, major opposition alliance Jatiya Oikyafront has requested the commission to hold the announcement of schedule until the duration of dialouges.

Source: thedailystar

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