Man dies in Sherpur elephant attack

Published : 23 Apr 2017, 11:09

Sahos Desk

A farmer was killed while his wife and son were injured in an attack by wild elephants at Balijuri Christian Para in Sribardi upazila early Sunday.

The deceased is Veruna Mrong, 40, of Balijuri Christian Para.

Quoting locals, Sribardi Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) Khaleda Nasrin said: “A herd of elephants numbering 40-50 went down the hills to the locality in search of food earlySunday.

“When locals tried to ward off the elephants, the mammoths attacked the house of Veruna, leaving the farmer, his wife and son injured.”

Later, severely injured Veruna died on his way to Sherpur District Hospital, added the UNO.

Source: UNB

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