PM Hasina to join video conference with Modi today

South Asia Satellite to be launched

Published : 05 May 2017, 12:28

Sahos Desk

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will join a video conference with her Indian counterpart Narendra Modi today.


The prime minister will talk to Modi through the video conference from her official residence Gono Bhaban in Dhaka around 6:00pm, Asif Kabir, PM’s assistant press secretary, told The Daily Star.

The video conference will take place after inauguration of the much-awaited South Asia Satellite.

The Indian PM made the announcement about South Asian Satellite during the Saarc Summit in Kathmandu in November, 2014, calling it a "gift to India's neighbours".

However, its name was altered South Asia Satellite because Pakistan did not want to be a part of it.

Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and Sri Lanka have agreed to join the Rs 450-crore South Asian satellite project.

According to ISRO officials, there is a potential for each participating country to use a dedicated transponder with a capacity of 36 to 54 Mhz for its own internal use.

The 2230-kg satellite has already been built with three years of efforts.

Source: thedailystar

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