Bangladesh medical camp serving Rohingyas refugees stranded in no-man’s land

Published : 31 Aug 2017, 14:46

Sahos Desk

Border Guard Bangladesh has set up a medical camp to extend support to the thousands of Rohingya refugees fleeing persecution in Myanmar, who are now stranded in no man's land along the Naikhyangchhari border and waiting to enter Bangladesh territory.  

The refugees set up the makeshift tents on the no-man’s land on the other side of Tambru canal in the last six days. From time to time, they cross the canal in knee-deep water to collect essentials (food, water) from the Bangladesh territory after requesting BGB.

At least 200-300 Rohingya refugees have been seeking treatment daily at the medical camp which was set up two days back.

Dr Mohammad Shahidul Islam, who is treating them, said they are giving the treatment for free.

The patients, mostly children and women, mainly come with complaints of fever, colds, diarrhea, minor cuts and scrapes and skin diseases, our chief reporter quotes Dr Shahidul Islam as saying.

‘Here for 6 days’

Meanwhile, a Rohingya refugee, Dil Mohammad, who fled from his home in Medi village, six kilometers inward of Myanmar, said he has been staying in the camp for the last six days.

“About 10,000 people from 12 villages in Myanmar have fled the country and have come here,” Dil Mohammad said.

A few youths from Kutupalong camp in Cox’s Bazar have also brought relief materials to the make-shift camp set up in no-man’s land (Zero point of Tambru border point).

A team of International Red Crescent Society also visited the camp site in  the morning. 

Source: thedailystar

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