Is your Home Monsoon Ready yet?

Published : 29 Sep 2017, 18:45

Sahos Desk

Every year, we wait anxiously for the monsoons to arrive. They bring with them beautiful rainbows, pretty pictures, cool air and a whole lot of water. While rains are very pleasant, they can also be damaging in certain ways.

If your home is not monsoon-ready, you could have uninvited guests like disease-spreading mosquitoes, mold and more! Here are some steps you should take to ensure that monsoons feel like what they are - 'happy'

1. Water Proofing

This is particularly important if you live right under a terrace or have a balcony, as it ensures that rainwater does not seep into your home and damage your walls or belongings. Walls against which the rain beats, should also be checked for leakages. Should water enter your home, it could mess with the wiring, paint and circuit work. By water proofing your home, you can keep your home dry and in perfect condition.

2. Lightweight Fabrics

While this may not seem extremely important, using lightweight fabrics to cover upholstery and dress your windows during this season can make a huge difference. Covering chairs, cushions and sofas in cottons, georgettes and other linen based fabrics not only makes your furniture more comfortable to use, but also makes it easy to clean and dry in the damp season. Similarly, drapes and curtains made of lightweight fabrics are easier to manage during the rains.

3. Stock up on supplies

Incessant rains for days on end could result in your being cooped up in your home for long periods. So, ensure you have plenty of drinking water and other supplies like fresh and packaged food. However, make sure that these are well within their 'best before' dates. You should stock up on medication, batteries and candles, which will be helpful in case of outage power cut.

4. Set up a medical box

Since fever, cold and stomach troubles are prevalent during the monsoons, ensure you have suitable medicines to deal with these monsoon maladies. The cold, wet weather can lead to several health problems and infections, especially in small children. So, maintain a first aid kit in your home, and ensure that it comprises of all the necessary medication for the whole family.

5. Insect proofing

Another common problem in the rainy season is the influx of insects, especially mosquitoes. Make sure you deal with them using natural and artificial repellents. You can also consider adding mesh and net to your windows to keep them out. This will help prevent bites that lead to infections and other vector-borne diseases, such as malaria and dengue.

6. Keep a check on electronics

If you have wires running into your home from outside, ensure they are encased well and do not bring in any water. On days of excessive lightning and thunder, it is best to turn off your electronics and unplug them to avoid electrical mishaps like short circuits. This could save you from unnecessary harm and expense.

Monsoons should not be a season that dampens your spirits. So, take the necessary steps to monsoon-proof your home, and you can enjoy the wonders that the rains bring without worrying about anything.

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