Sizzling mix-vegetable Pakoras - a delight in the rain

Published : 01 Jul 2017, 12:14

Sahos Desk

Make the monsoon season one of those purely joyous and blessed time with mix vegetable pakoras. It’s truly a treat for many - the pleasant weather with cool breeze and light showers.

Live this weekend in a magical way with the delightful aroma and delicious flavour of ‘sizzling hot crispy pakoras’ with ‘a pyali of adrak wali chai’.
Serves: 4; Preparation time: 20 minutes; Cooking time: 20 minutes
Besan                       8 tbsp
Potato                      1 (medium)
Onion                       1 (medium)
Cauliflower              200 grams
Spinach                    10 leaves
Green chillies             4
Salt                           to taste
Ajwain                       1/3 tsp
Red chilli powder        1 tsp
Coriander powder       1 tsp
Fennel powder           ½ tsp
Hing powder              a pinch
Chat masala              2 tsp
Oil                            for frying
Water                       to make the batter

Take besan in a deep bowl and add water to make a thick batter to make pakoras.

Peel and wash all vegetables and chop them finely.

Add all chopped vegetables and spices except chat masala in the batter.

Mix all ingredients well.

Heat oil in a deep pan for frying.

Take one tablespoon of the batter and put in the oil when it becomes perfectly hot for frying.

Repeat the process till the pan is almost full with pakora batter.

Turn them to fry little from both sides.

Turn the gas slow. Take out half-fried pakoras on a kitchen towel when they change in light golden colour. Don’t fry them completely crispy brown in first go.

Press half-fried pakoras gently with the help of a serving spoon on a kitchen towel and flatten them little.

Again put them in hot oil and fry till they’re proper golden in colour or properly cooked from inside and outside.

Serve them hot with coriander chutney and tomato ketchup.

Sprinkle chat masala on top while serving.

Hot pakoras with coriander chutney and a cup of steaming tea – an almost magical joy!

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