Exert all efforts to create conditions for Rohingyas' safe return: UNHCR to Myanmar

Published : 23 Nov 2018, 16:23

Sahos Desk

UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, has appealed to Myanmar to exert all efforts to create conditions for safe return of Rohingyas and address the root causes of the their displacement.

"It is essential that UNHCR and UNDP be granted effective access to refugees’ places of origin and potential areas of return, in line with the tripartite MoU signed by UNHCR, UNDP and Myanmar in June 2018," UNHCR said in a statement on Friday.

UNHCR also called for international support for the Government of Myanmar’s efforts to create conditions that are conducive to refugees’ voluntary return in safety and dignity and which will allow for their durable reintegration. 

The UN Refugee Agency, expressed its deep appreciation to and solidarity with Bangladesh for its generosity in continuing to host and support nearly one million Rohingyas on its territory and its continued commitment to protecting refugees’ right to safe, voluntary, and dignified return to their homes in Myanmar. 

While UNHCR welcomed Myanmar’s commitment to voluntary return and 
the steps taken to receive potential returnees, it will be important for Myanmar to demonstrate concrete progress toward ensuring freedom of movement, access to services, documentation and livelihood opportunities, said the statement. 

"These steps would be essential to help build refugees’ confidence that the 
conditions in Myanmar have sufficiently changed to allow them to contemplate their return," it said.

Since this crisis began in Myanmar’s Rakhine State, Bangladesh has engaged 
constructively with the Government of Myanmar and the international community in order for Rohingya refugees to be able to voluntarily return to their places of origin or choice in Myanmar in conditions that are safe, dignified, and sustainable. 

The responsibility for creating conditions conducive for voluntary return lies with 
Myanmar, UNHCR said. 

These efforts should be part of a coordinated and comprehensive plan of support that promotes social cohesion between all communities and lays the foundation for the longer-term sustainable development of Rakhine State.

Emphasizing on allowing Rohingyas to undertake go-and-see visits, UNHCR said this would enable the Rohingyas themselves to make an independent assessment of conditions in Rakhine State and relay this information to other refugees in Bangladesh. 

UNHCR said it is prepared to support such visits and continues to work with all stakeholders to find a sustainable solution that will afford the refugees, and all communities in Rakhine State, a decent future.

Source: unb

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