Trump meets Japan’s new emperor, prime minister

Published : 27 May 2019, 14:16

Sahos Desk

After his visit with Japan’s new emperor, President Donald Trump is at Tokyo’s official state guest house meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

Trump, Abe and their respective teams will be meeting Monday and having lunch together. Trump and Abe will also be participating in a joint press conference at Akasaka Palace.

It’s the second lengthy day of meetings for the pair, who spent Sunday playing golf together, taking in a sumo match and having a couples dinner with their wives.

Trump will be attending a state banquet in his honor Monday evening, and participating in a Memorial Day event Tuesday before heading home.

President Donald Trump and Japan’s Emperor Naruhito walked along a red carpet in the courtyard of the Imperial Palace after meeting on Monday.

Trump is the first world leader to meet Naruhito since he ascended to the throne on May 1.

The president, who is on a state visit to Japan, is being treated to a welcome ceremony full of pomp and pageantry.

Trump stood at attention alone atop a platform before he walked along a red-carpeted route to review troops. He also passed in front of a group of schoolchildren feverishly waving U.S. and Japanese flags.

Trump wore a red tie that matched the color of the carpet. He was accompanied by first lady Melania Trump.

President Donald Trump is at Japan’s Imperial Palace meeting the new emperor.

The president and his wife, first lady Melania Trump, are kicking off Monday’s formal visit with handshakes and greetings with Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako.

Trump is the first world leader to be meet Naruhito, who ascended to the throne on May 1, opening what is called the era of “Reiwa,” (RAY-wah) or “beautiful harmony.”

Trump will go later to the Japanese state guest house for meetings, a working lunch and joint news conference with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

The president will also be the guest of honor at an imperial banquet at the palace hosted by the emperor.

Trump opened a four-day state visit to Japan on Saturday.

Source: AP

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