Youth commits suicide after losing IPL bet

Published : 08 May 2018, 18:01

Sahos Desk

A young man committed suicide after losing a Tk 2 lakh bet over an Indian Premier League (IPL) match on Monday night at Koyanizpara village in Nilphamari.

The deceased was identified as Baharam, 23, son of Tofel Uddin.

Kamal Pasha, officer-in-charge of Saidpur Police Station, said Baharam committed suicide by hanging himself from a beam in his bedroom after losing a bet with his friend Mukul around 8:30pm.

On information, police recovered the body from the house, saying it would be sent to Nilphamari Sadar Modern Hospital on Tuesday morning. 

Soon after the incident, police arrested Mukul from the spot, the OC added.

Source: unb

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