14 militants killed in Afghan forces' operations in southern province

Published : 10 Mar 2018, 15:18

Sahos Desk

Fourteen militants have been killed and 12 others injured after Afghan army struck their positions in Helmand province, south of Afghanistan, the Defense Ministry said Saturday.

"Afghan National Army (ANA) backed by Air Force launched military operations in Nahri Sarraj and neighboring Greshk districts of Helmand province on Friday, killing 14 insurgents and injuring 12 others," the ministry said in a statement.

An explosive-laden truck, three Taliban militants' hideouts together with over 50 kg explosive materials were eliminated during the raids.

Helmand, notorious for poppy growing, is also a known Taliban stronghold.

The Taliban insurgent group, which has been waging an insurgency of more than 16 years, has yet to make comments on the reprot.

Source: Xinhua

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